Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Taking Rivonia all the way up to Witkoppen Road, turning left into Witkoppen, just a couple of blocks up the hill is the Braamfontein stream. Don’t be on the look out for signage to this nature’s reserve gracing such populated area: the sign is laying on the ground. What until recently was a favorite outing to families and nature lovers alike, is being flatten by heavy building machinery.

First some drifters took the time to hang plastic bags from all the shrubs, and a week later the parties of cyclists and horse riders that used to take hikes in the area on lazy Sundays were replaced by a logging team, cutting down young green trees. Concerned neighbors were told the area had become “too ugly” on account of the plastic bags.

Rumors of an eccentric wanting a house right on the river bank have been replaced by rumors of an off-ramp to the nearby highway. Are we then to conclude that a government that has made it a point to be outspoken regarding a responsible approach to environmental issues finds it necessary to dry-up a section of a river because they can’t find a less destructive spot for one off ramp? I doubt it!

When I approached them and asked “What is going on?” I was told “We know what is going on…”. When I asked, “What are you doing here?” I got “You will see …”. When I commented that the community had not been consulted, I got an obscene gesture, and finally when I said “You can not do this…” – I was told: “Watch us!”

So here I am feeling helpless, while this unnecessary destruction of a complex habitat progresses against the wishes of all stakeholders. I appeal to you the readers for guidance and suggestions if you have them.
July 2008