Tuesday, February 20, 2018


The health of our genes will determine the chances that the international human community have of having a future. 

The statistics that were able to attract public attention to this problem are certainly somber - eight out of every ten persons have some form of genetic problems (i.e. retardation, Dawn Syndrome, Cretinism, etc.)  These numbers are a reflection of the global situation, even though, further investigations exposed different proportions in different areas of the planet, it could still be confirmed that the overall percentage remained unchanged. 

In September 2016, I wrote a brief entry in Facebook in this regard, that proved extremely popular and resulted in several enquirers and comments.  As it is, I have been discussing that entry (that I called 'Leviticus') regularly since then, and has even resulted in an increase in Bible sales!!  So, leading to the present contribution, I decided to blog it in order to facilitate referrals:
 The above mentioned contribution underlined the social causes of this problem - causes that could and should be controlled by all of us, both as individuals and as communities.

Another twist in this tale, is the genetic differences introduced by the different ethnicities.  Recently I was struggling to explain this perspective to someone, and a third party volunteered the fact that Adam and Eve managed to conceived over a hundred descendants each, even though they were the only humans in the planet at the time (Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible).  Of course the human genome is rich and versatile! 

A strategy that I consider important, and would like to promote, is the requirement of genetic tests as part of the process towards obtaining a marriage license.  In many parts of the planet, the requirement of a basic medical exam towards obtaining a marriage license is routine.  That medical exam should include genetic testing. 

As a matter of fact, the genetic test should be undertaken as soon as there is an intention towards marriage between two families.  This simple procedure can be accomplished with one drop of saliva from the bride and groom to be, and it takes 5 minutes to get an outcome.  One drop of saliva could make available to the families involved the information they need to decided whether to proceed towards marriage or not.  One drop of saliva that would make available critical information as it pertains to maintaining and improving the genetic health of that family, and related communities. 

A simple drop of saliva could change a decision that is presently being undertaken by chance, into an informed decision that would start re-shaping our future.  Take a moment to consider our chances, eight out of every ten persons have problems with the health of their genes, a situation that cries to be assessed and controlled.  Our future depends on it...