Monday, January 14, 2019

Nora Rasenti’s Address to the UNITED PLANETARY

It is certainly an honour to find myself addressing such prestigious organization. 

I would like to start by quoting a few paragraphs from a piece I wrote recently, in April 2017, titled “Nora Rasenti on Military Issues”: 
“My name is Nora Rasenti, and getting here has been a long and winding journey, yet the need to take this stand could no longer be postponed. 
There is a fight that we have all been pulled into, some of us with more deliberation than others.  The outcome of this fight will certainly shape our future. 
Our environment is in peril.” 

In writing these paragraphs originally, my intention was to address my local colleagues in the planet, facing external pressures, but there is no denying the relevance of these words today, in a wider context.  And even though in the year 2017 I said “The outcome of this fight will certainly shape our future”; today, I would be more inclined to say – “The outcome of this fight will determine whether we have a future at all!” 

In any case, as I said, I feel honoured to be afforded the opportunity of addressing this forum, yet it is with some sadness, as I am still to address our United Nations in a personal capacity.  I have done so through written works in a few occasions, but not in person.  And I guess this could even set the format for future iterations – yes, cooperation is a worthwhile effort. 

Our United Nations as a concept have spiritual roots; even though the organization emerged at the end of one of the bloodiest  wars in the history of our planet. 

It has been the conviction of many that it was divine inspiration to establish an organization upholding human rights in a way that connects us to the philosophical development of our human communities.  Yet, we are sadly still lacking when it comes to the same acknowledgment as it refers to other species. 

And yet, in recent times, it has become clear there has been interventions and maliciousness slowing our progress in this regard.  And our commitment to acknowledge this, and assess it has grown in many communities and at many levels of our societies. 

It is with excitement that I find myself confronted with the reality of your organization, and the inspiring common thread to the divine.  In that regard, I would like to quote some paragraphs that were extracted from one of the most ancient books in our planet, dated approximately 5000 years ago, and the account is full of poetic references that could make its interpretation a bit obscure.  Yet, I want to include the reference in this presentation on account of the relevance to the present situation.  The following paragraphs from “The Living Bible” were included on a piece I wrote titled “Environment and Spirituality”: 

1 – “When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the planet was at first a shapeless chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors.  Then God said “Let there be light!” and light appeared.  “And God was pleased with it and divided the light from the darkness – so he let it shine for a while, and then there was darkness again.  He called the light ‘daytime’ and the darkness ‘nighttime’.  Together they formed the first day.” 

Scientific evidence indicates that our Star is our father, in as much as it was our Star that gave birth to the Solar System.  The scientific community has been able to establish the fact that while our Star’s age correlates that of the Universe, the age of the planets of our Planetary System is younger.  The first paragraph of the account of CREATION describes the events of that initial act.  The implication is that of the planet finally evolving into a stable shape, rotating on its axis, and suggests to me the question: How many hours on that first day?.. 

“And God said “Let the vapors separate to form the sky above and the oceans below.”  (7-8).  So God made the sky, dividing the vapor above from the water below.  This all happen on the second day.” 
9-10 “Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky be gathered into oceans so that the dry land will emerge”.  And so it was.  Then God named the dry land ‘earth and the water ‘seas’.  And God was pleased.” 
11-12 “And he said, “Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed bearing plants, and fruit trees with seeds inside the fruit, so that these seeds will produce the kind of plants and fruits they came from”.  And so it was, and God was pleased.  This all occurred on the third day.” 
And it could not have happened without light.  We all realize the cycle of life enabling photo-synthesis could not have started until light shone through the thick layer of gases, affecting the composition of the atmosphere. 

14-15 Then God said, “let there be bright lights in the sky, to give light to the planet, and to identify the day and the night, they shall bring about the seasons on the planet, and mark the days and years.  And so it was.” 
The planet’s cycle around our Star defining the Season’s of the year; would have come about when the ‘chaotic mass’ that had been the planet’s inception had settled into the stable elliptic path around our Star – closer to the one that we have today. 

15 “For God made two huge lights, the Star and the Satellite, to shine down upon the planet, the larger one, the Star, to preside over the day, and the smaller one, the satellite, to preside through the night.  He also made the stars.” 
17 “And God set them in the sky, to light the planet, and to preside over the day and night and to divide the light from darkness.  And God was pleased.  This all happened on the fourth day.” 
The plant life, and photo-synthesis would have re-defined the chemical composition of the atmosphere.  The thick layer of gases giving way to the blue sky, enabling the sighting of our Star and Satellite, and the rest of the stars. 

Technological developments have made the fear of being branded a heretic for questioning natural phenomena almost impossible.  It has affected the communities of the planet, and the way in which they engage in the pursue of knowledge.  Returning to the earlier example of philosophical and scientific truths, the account of CREATION can today be approached with the strength of both scientific and spiritual foundations: they correlate.  (Extract from “Environment and Spirituality”, by myself.) 

We are God’s creation.  And our souls resemble a star – they are of him.  This is especially relevant at a time like this, when souls from our area of the sky are being deliberately destroyed. 
This historical journey is meant to establish a connection with all of those listening to this presentation today – regardless of their background.  If not part of the same creation effort, at least connected by similar creation’s processes. 

From here, our religious writings evolve towards upholding life, as illustrated by the Ten Commandments: “You shall not kill.”  

Our history, I have the conviction, connects back to the history of the area.  We have been influenced by others, in ways that went un-noticed for many generations, but today are a fascinating thread across time.  The goodness of our people compromised, often by force, towards the assimilation of cruel rituals, customs and routines.  That is where we find ourselves today, hoping for an opportunity to help our people un-LEARN this modes of behavior, un-natural to them, but by now, encroached in their cultures. 

The religious teachings have for so long anticipated a time when all the different species in the planet can co-exist in peaceful harmony.  And what has been a desirable dream for such a long time, has today taken the consistency of necessity when confronted with the need to function in the versatility of life-forms in space. 

At this time, I would like to share a song I wrote some time ago, in celebration of the richness of different species.  We are all part of God’s Creation, which was not a frivolous exercise, but a deliberate act of will where we all have a role to play and a contribution to make. 


The sweet self-consciousness of rodents,
The warm loyalty of dogs,
The gracefulness of cats,
Keep them in mind. 
The intelligence of birds,
The wisdom of snakes,
The playful comfort of apes,
Keep them in mind. 

Acknowledge them,
Their love could pull you through
These trying times. 

The integrity of elephants,
The courage of lions,
The excellence of mermaids,
Keep them in mind. 
The vulnerability of gazelles,
The team spirit of hyenas,
The conviction strength of zebras,
Keep them in mind. 

And if their dwindling numbers,
Could suggest global indifference,
The planet is also their home,
And we sure need their perspective. 
The dawn of a new era
Could start when the rights
To respect and dignity
Apply to all species. 

Keep them in mind,  Keep them in mind. 
The competence of pigs,
The generosity of cows,
The fortitude of horses,
Keep them in mind. 
Keep them in mind,  Keep them in mind. 
The resilience of insects. 

As I said, we are all part of God’s Creation, which was not a frivolous exercise, but a deliberate act of will where we all have a role to play and a contribution to make. 

We should question the legitimacy of teachings that portray us less deserving of the pursuit of happiness and grace.  There have been those among us that believe God’s contribution to our existence is reason enough to perceive ourselves and treat ourselves with respect and dignity, if not on account of our own merits, certainly on account of His. 

It follows from this the desire of many towards forms and structures of government that uphold dignity, and the United Nations is certainly an example of this.  And it is my hope, the United Planetary’s history subscribes to similar ethos.  And yet, it is unnerving that there is a need to acknowledge the constant efforts towards destroying and/or sabotaging the “soul” of the organization in our planet.  And I can only hope, yours is not a target to the same caliber of evil. 

So, where do we go from here?  We have managed to establish some common ground, right from the start of our history.  I hope, weak as this thread might be, it assist us in the finding of bases for cooperation regarding our common challenges.  I would like to believe this would contribute to make our future less uncertain. 

As I am here today, I wonder about the journeys and issues confronting others in this structure, and hope for an opportunity to establish elements of commonality that could enable a better perspective in the issues that confront us.  If nothing else, this experience should open the door to the possibility of exchanging information regarding problems confronting some of us in common. 

And yet, it is my conviction the problems we are facing are facing us all without distinction, even when the difficulties could take different disguises. 

A spirit of cooperation could certainly make every difficulty more surmountable, but I am talking to you today with the anxiety born from my uncertainty when it comes to the capacity of our people to confront this challenge at this time.  There is no questioning my conviction that given the opportunity, our people could re-connect with the goodness in the roots of their being, but today, that hope is still too ambitious, and could result in hurt and disappointment.  Our people need to move outside the harmful influence, but the influence is still among us. 

Sadly before we can help our communities, we need to overcome the elements blocking our efforts.  And those elements, even when hiding behind familiar faces, are alien.  The situation has been, and continues to be frustrating.  We need to run, and yet, we are being prevented from even walking.  Yet, many of us are still committed to trying.  How can we help each other?  I am committed to life, and that certainly and specially includes our own. 

I had the good fortune to being able to improve the situation at the largest scale.  I conceptualized a way to fix the black holes in space, encompassing both the physical and spiritual realms.  The black holes, a by-product of the practice of destroying stars; were pulling the galaxies in ways that were collapsing the Universes. 

It was my good fortune in meeting a committed and extremely competent person from a different part of our galaxy, who sprang into action deploying hundreds of teams in all directions, bringing our extended natural space environment back to health.  It is this person’s merit that brought my ideas into reality … and I think today, we can almost afford to dream of a future once again. 

 And yet, the problem has not subsided.  The danger that was addressed was the creation of an evil intelligence determined to destroy life.  The improvements in the environment are comforting but are not a solution to the underlying problem.   It is my conviction it is a matter of time before we have to face another environmental catastrophe.  Therefore I hope we take the reprieve afforded to analyze the situation in our respective areas, vigilant to unexpected changes. 

On closing, I would like to stress the important role economic forces seem to play in this overall situation.  Once again, it should be in everyone’s best interest to pay attention to developments in that front.  As a matter of fact, I would like to quote once again from my piece “Nora Rasenti on Military Issues”.  Even though I believe the piece is too colloquial for today’s audience, many of the matters raised there are pertinent and of relevance today. 

“Never in the history of our planet, have the lives of people been treated with such indifference.  When it comes to military personnel, this attitude consolidates to tragic legitimacy.  Our people are appreciated and cherished, and are certainly not numbers on a board. “   NR - 2017

I do not wish to include the entire piece, but I would like to highlight several issues there that are of relevance today. 

The detrimental effects of wars in the natural environment.  At the time I wrote the piece, I was thinking of the environment in the planet, but there is no denying the need to expand that view. 

This conflict that has remained understated and undefined for so many generations have cost us HALF THE STARS IN OUR GALAXY TO DATE!    Not to mention the burden of resentment that fell in our planet, suspected of being a willing participant of this destruction, long before we had the technological acumen required to make it possible. 

True, in recent years, some of us wish that some of our people were less pro-active in their collaboration to outside interests.  In this regard, I would like to quote Kipling, that said: “A problem well stated is a problem half solved.” 

My commitment towards the avoidance of un-necessary military engagements, rather promoting the peaceful resolution of conflicts. 

My involvement with organizations promoting inter-faith dialogue, that is, encouraging communication between people of different religions, in an effort to curtail the escalation of hostilities between people of different beliefs. 

I am a big admirer of technology, and have always been amazed by its capacity to affect, and even change the path of society.  I am committed to a weapons industry that is friendly towards people and the environment.  I have made two contributions – the missile and the ‘Nor-ita’ – that illustrate this. 

My conviction that our scientific community have an important contribution to make in this regard.  This is a logical progression from the previous point, and has resulted in one of the most inspiring military campaigns in history, where an invasive species in an entire Universe was subdue by a handful of people, with only one casualty to themselves, and even that one was eventually recovered. 

I requested the development of a chemical weapon that would de-stabilize the bacteria in the invasor, without disturbing the natural environment.  The hope was to motivate negotiation in difficult circumstances.   The product readiness after several months of research was too much to resist, and the campaign proceeded without further ado – I was out-voted, but still managed to contribute some technical issues. 

Even though the outcome desired is still to be secured, the success of this ‘PEACEFUL’ campaign remains inspiring.  The “Scientific Military”...  

I am committed to the incorporation of the goal of avoiding the loss of personnel, with a conviction to returning with as many people as departed. 

The lives of military personnel should not be pledged to off-set penalties or sanctions. 

The upholding of a policy to recover personnel lost in battle, whenever possible, mostly through the use of negotiating structures. 

It is not realistic to expect that our communities can sustain this constant bleeding of our most competent people.  It should be possible to monitor where our people are being deployed and in what circumstances. 

Our people are counting on our community leaders to be mindful of their lives, and their loved ones are trusting us to care for them.  Those prepared to put their lives on the line to protect our areas should be appreciated and cherished, and I wonder how to go about popularizing the development of a culture of cherishing life. 

“Military strategies that are people intensive are self defeating.” NR 
Finally, strategies that require our people NOT to defend themselves shold be discouraged.  As pacifists, some of us dislike violence as a means to resolve disputes, but saving our own lives is also a way of preventing violence. 

On closing, we are confronting a situation that even though it has been part of our history, it has not been recorded as such.  Therefore, we need to assess it anew, without a frame of reference, and that is always a challenge. 

I remain committed to the peaceful resolution of conflicts, as highlighted at the beginning.  I asked our friendly invaders about their commitment to our destruction, they indicated the progression was outside their scope of influence.  They also indicated that once our sky collapses, they could look forward to millions of years of empty inactivity, hoping for a new cosmic egg, and creations more to their liking. 

I pointed-out to the desirability for a future in separate areas, trading and with cultural exchanges, all of us growing and evolving, rather than taking chances with a new, unknown, unpredictable creation, that could well result more disappointing than the present one! 

They responded that they are awaiting feed-back… 

Once again, I would like to thank your prestigious organization for affording me this opportunity. 

In writing this address, I referred to the following writings, authored by myself: 
1.       “Nora Rasenti in Military Issues”, 2017 
2.       “Environment and Spirituality”, 2014 
3.       “Diversity”, song

December 2018