Thursday, January 2, 2020

Nora Rasenti & the UNITED PLANETARY - 2019

Blackhole from BING

Good day.  It has been a year since my previous address to your prestigious forum.  My greetings to the members of the United Planetary!  

I hope we have all been able to notice the influence that derived from that speech, as it pertains to matters of common interest.  I must confess to have been relieved in noticing positive developments in issues affecting all of us.  And yet, unfortunately, some of the problems are still with us, affecting our lives and our communities.  

In a personal level, I have just experienced the loss of some family members, and while cherishing this opportunity of communicating once again, it reached me at a difficult time.  So, I beg your indulgence if I seem a bit abrupt at times, or even concise.  

And now, to the business at hand.  It has been with a sense of wonder that I have noticed the developments taking place around us, specially as it pertains to banking.  

I was hopeful for the impact that could be anticipated from our collaboration regarding the exchange of information; and yet found myself pleasantly surprised by how much can be accomplished by people off good will, when working in cooperation with each other.  

Among other things, it was possible to establish common blockages across geographical areas, and even species.  

It was also possible at the time to identify the PURSUIT OF POVERTY as a common thread in sabotaging economies and financial structures.  These conspiracies, by necessity, also affecting the political, as well as the spiritual and religious structures.  

And yet, in analyzing the roots of these problems; it is in the securing of food, and in the disregard and arrogance of some in the labeling of other individuals, as appropriate food items, guiding the efforts.  

I have personally funded research in recent years, towards securing a transition in the direction of vegetarian diets, avoiding the anxieties associated to the effects on the health of those species with a history of exclusive meat eating.  And yet, support has not been forthcoming, despite my efforts.  

This initiative was exclusively for their benefit.  I managed a transition from meat eating to a vegetarian diet without regrets, almost 20 years ago.  

On making inquiries regarding the financial blockages, and even the pursuit of widespread poverty, I learnt they are means of ensuring the capacity to influence the shameful trade of the flesh of our compatriots, hidden cause of the blockages in our banking and financial systems.  

I was naive in my hope that fixing the planet's financial problems would free us to accomplish more effectively in other areas - it turned out that the local problems were inter-connected with the greater economic structures around us.  

Yes, now we have individuals more like-minded, but the problems we need to overcome are more over-encompassing than originally anticipated.  And yet, there seems to be a sense of perspective among all of us that was lacking before, and brings progress towards a better life CLOSER.  

It seems clear to me that those that consider their neighbors food items - effective as they are in their efforts to destabilize our areas - are not really the principal problem.  The will to feed themselves itself "life affirming".  It is my understanding that the principal problem would have surfaced from a conviction against LIFE ITSELF; while the "meat eaters" turn-out to be a convenient and frequently unaware ally.  

A few month ago, it took me by surprise to get such enthusiastic reaction to a speech I was asked to write, and from the space community, no less!  The title of the speech was "The American Dream" and it relates to a concept full of the will to uphold dignity and respect, among other values.  Many of us were moved by the realization of a sense of empathy with this notion from our space neighbors.  

And today, I can own-up to the hope that the dream of a better life is one we can all share on.  And I believe it is a dream that can be brought from dream to reality by our shared efforts.  "The American Dream" brings forward the values that have inspired our people across generations.  

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."  

These words, that have been carved in stone in the monument by the name of "The Lincoln Memorial" were originally part of a document entitled: "The Declaration of Independence", that was adopted in the year 1776.  

The dream of having the right to LIFE, implies health and suggest at least the need to be able to take care of ourselves.  Health requires hopefully access to healthy food, and taking care of ourselves generally requires a job, where our work would pay for our shelter and other necessities.  

LIBERTY is more difficult to define, but I would like to be guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that was adopted  by our United Nations some time ago, in the year 1948.  

The "Preamble" read as follows (quoted verbatim): 

"Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal inalienable rights of all members of the Human Family, is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.  

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights has resulted on barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind in the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech, and believe, and freedom from fear and want - has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.  

Whereas the people of the United Nations, having the Charter re-affirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, and in the equal rights of men and woman who have determine to promote social progress and better standards of life, in larger freedom."  

I must say that even though I find these words inspired, they are somehow restricted in as much as they pertain to humanity to the exclusion of other species.  I am one of the people that realize the need to consider the other species in the planet in this context.  This notion I had already brought forward in my song "Diversity", included in full with my previous address to your prestigious forum.  The specific lines that are relevant here read as follows:  

"The dawn of a new era, 
could start when the rights  
to respect and dignity  
apply to ALL species"

Now, back to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Article 1 reads as follows:  

"All human beings are born free, and equal in dignity and rights.  They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".  

In trying to better deal with the notion of LIBERTY in this context, I did some further research on the meaning of the word "liberty" as opposed  to "freedom" and came across some definitions in the World Wide Web.  

The following quotes are from globeblight, mostly by Mr. Murray Rosebard.  

"Liberty, living in liberty, allows each of us to truly enjoy our freedoms".  

"Out of liberty, then, stems the glory of civilized life".  

"The exercise of liberty is affected by capability and limited by the rights of others".  

And finally:  
"Thus liberty entails the responsible use of freedom under the rule of law, without depriving anyone else of their freedom".  

It is important to facilitate the realization that even when within a culture of upholding human rights, there are circumstances where rights can be curtailed LEGALLY due to unlawful, or criminal or even terrorist activities, both by individuals or even nations.  

"The Pursuit of Happiness", a concept that some of us relate to the right to take care of ourselves and our loved ones with dignity.  Some of these notions we have discussed before under the heading 'liberty', and there is clearly an element of overlap.  

As I stated before, it was the unexpected reaction that was generated by my speech entitled "Nora Rasenti on the American Dream" that has shaped some of the present address.  I was led to believe there could be an interest in gaining some insights, if nothing else.  

As I mentioned in that speech, the Dictionary defines the "American Dream" as the national ethos of the United States; where the word 'ethos' means national philosophy.  Further in this regard, President B.Obama stated in one of his speeches: "...we want these dreams for more than ourselves, we want them for each other."  And I took these notion further, hoping these dreams we want for each other are not delimited by the american borders, but include the well-being of every other person in the planet with a will to wish for these fundamental rights.  I had hoped some of us realize it should not be the physical american land we strive to share, but some of these values that we are even further encompassing under the ambitious heading - UNIVERSAL.  

And I would say yes, we could even include our neighbors in space, if it is their will to reach out for these values for themselves, and their communities.  

Finally, a last but important issue that I would like to bring to your attention.  The healing of "black-holes" or "sink holes" in space - issue where I am one of the stakeholders that made a meaningful contribution.  

This situation has surfaced unexpected spin-offs that profit all of us.  The possibility of restoring some of the destroyed stars to health, bringing the hope of restoring at least some of the splendor of our night skies.  This development is certainly uplifting and should bring us hope.  

Regardless of these developments, I remain concerned for our future in the realization that the same intelligence that brought the black-holes to us could be looking for new elements to destabilize our space environment.  

In that respect, it has come to my attention in the recent past that some have engaged in efforts towards damaging the stability of the Universe itself, by sabotaging the integrity of its magnetic fields.  

It is to their credit the efforts of the responsible communities that have found themselves forced to monitor and secure our safety from this new threat.  We have been luck to have them among us.  

I put my confidence in the scientific community, towards efforts to come up with strategies to assist this situation and neutralize this danger that we all share.  

Some of us have the conviction that some of our enemies could collapse the sky itself, if the could find a way to get it done.  I am one of the persons brain-storming towards securing our environment.  

And I also remain hopeful that we could be a positive influence in such negative mindsets yet.  The future is full of possibilities.  

I look forward to the opportunity of re-connecting with you all next year, hopefully in happier circumstances.  

December 2019  

"Nora Rasenti's Address to the United Planetary" - 2018  
"Nora Rasenti on the American Dream"- 2019  
"Nora Rasenti on Blackholes and the Health of the Universe" - 2019  